Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well today was quite a day. I put Logan down for a nap, then sat down to feed Emma. By the time I got her down for a nap(finally) Logan was still up, this was about 45 minutes later. So I laid her down and she immediately woke back up, argh. I went in to check on Logan and to my disgust there was poop everywhere. On the carpet ground in there was a HUGE smear, on the walls, door, all over his shelf that great-grandpa gunnell made for him. All over him, and his clothes and caked on his bum. Oh my it was a mess.
So I threw him in the tub, Emma in the excer-saucer and went to work. Scrubbed the entire room.
Ewe it was truly disgusting.


Unknown said...

:( Oh Em, that is so crappy. (Seriously - no pun intended) Glad things have quieted down tonight.


Ryan and Julia said...

Oh my! I don't know if I would have been able to keep my cool. I would have been gagging the entire time. I can barely handle Cooper's poop right now and I know its going to get worse. I'm so sorry.

Desiree said...

Ewww yuck!!! That is no fun. Good excuse to get new carpet and paint the room.

Carol said...

Em, I hope you took pictures! Someday you'll laugh about it.

Julie said...

Well Emily - he is your child..... just waiting for the eggs to hatch.... ha ha ha

Seriously - yuck! I'm so sorry for you! I was tending a girl once that did the same thing - smeared it everywhere!!!!! It took hours to clean up - I feel your pain!

Kevin and Heather said...

I didn't know you had a blog. You butt! Now we can keep in touch. Sorry about the poop, That's no fun!